Monday, July 18, 2011

To the Men looking for a Woman between 18-34

I'm 30 years old and proud of it - it means I've had time to experience life a bit, strike out on my own, learn who I am, and get some of the crazy out of me. Don't get me wrong, I still know how to have a good time, but my good times no longer consists of streaking drunk across public parks!

So when I find men 35+ who have the age range of 18 listed as a possible person they could date, it turns me off from them. I mean, really, you're old enough to be their father! An 18 year old female in most cases hasn't lived away from their parents and learned to take care of themselves. They need someone to show them how to survive on their own - do you really want to be their next care taker? They haven't had a chance to have a credit card and learn to be financially responsible. Do you want to assume the debt from her splurges? They have drama, drama, and drama in their lives. Most men tune out their wives who are actually relatively sane - can you really sit in the middle of a high school cafeteria without cringing at the conversations around you? What about this typical young woman is attractive besides their "high school skinny," firm boobs, lack of spider veins and cellulite? Which sounds great...til they open their mouths!

I am nothing like an under 20 female! While they aren't bad women, I do see them lacking in certain areas for any genuine male over the age of 25. The differences between someone in high school and college are enough to keep most relationships from succeeding; much less someone who's established themselves and their life. It's about being in the same place in your life and wanting the same things, not just a physical chemistry. So unfortunately, Mr. Open to all ages, I'm not open to you!

1 comment:

  1. I've added the following to my profile after the section where I express my dislike of "winking"

    "And if you're open to dating someone 18 - 30 , I'm not interested. There's a vast difference in maturity between me and someone fresh out of High School. I'm looking for someone who has a clear picture of who they are looking for (not physically, but personality and being at the same point in life) and the relationship they are hoping to find!"

    I must admit I had a moment where I thought, "Oh my god, I'm going to come across as such a bitch and nobody but the winkers who don't even read my profile will contact me...and then I realized, so what? This is who I am and if they can't handle a snippet of me on text, good riddance!

    Luckily this was included today in an email from someone who is potentially interesting to me:

    I like the fact that somebody called out the guys who list 18-30 as their desired age. I mean seriously what could you even talk about with an 18 year old...prom...twilight...bieber

    But wait, I like twilight.....! Good to know I haven't scared off ever man on though!!!!
